Continuing on from my last Blog post... [ Animation Cycles & Sequences... #9
It turns out Game Engines handle animation cycles and sequences in varying ways, some game engines handle these cycles and sequences very differently. Some can blend
between the cycles. While other game engines need to have the sequences
and cycles animated to a common pose, in order for them to blend
together seamlessly.
Since none of these animation
cycles and sequences that I'm creating are actually going to make it
into a game engine, but instead a Demo Reel. - I think I'll just work
under the assumption that if they where to be incorporated into a game
engine, it'll be one that will be able to blend the cycles and sequences
on its own.
Looking into this
further, I found out that Game engines can also handle the animation
(Cycle & Sequence files) differently too... some can handle all the
animations being across multiple files - one animation per file. While
others need the animations to be in one large file - requiring the
animations to play out separately across one long time line instead.
latter of the two meaning that when incorporating the file into the
game engine, you'd need to tell the engine exactly what frame number to
start on and end at for each particular cycle or sequence.